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NEW Minimalist YouTuber Planner/Bullet Journal Template on Etsy!

For anyone that doesn't know, I have an Etsy where I used to make just prints & stickers, however that's now been expanded to digital items as well! I recently published my first digital item which you can get here (The download includes a PDF version as well as the goodnotes 5 file). If you've ever wanted to be a YouTuber or you are a YouTuber then you might be interested in this item! It's a Bullet Journal/Planner designed to help keep you on track of your uploads and resources as a YouTuber. It features an upload scheduler, a video planner, a video review section, an idea dump page as well as a page to keep track of music that you can use in the background of your videos. Plus, there's an inspiration/motivation page where you can write down your YouTubers that inspire & motivate you and why so that way when you need a boost you can go back and refer to this page.

Each page in detail:

Motivation/Inspiration Page - The motivation/inspiration page was designed to help keep you motivated during those times where you just don't have any motivation or inspiration for making videos. You can write the YouTuber that inspires and motivates you and give a list of reasons why you like their videos. This is also a very useful page for those starting out to help you figure out what kind of videos you'd like to make. Keeping a list of your favorite YouTubers and why you like their videos so much can help you style your videos and decide what kind of videos you'd like to do as well.

Idea Dump Page - It's exactly as it sounds. A page for you to dump quick ideas that you haven't fully fleshed out yet but don't want to forget.

Playlist Page - Every YouTuber knows the struggle that is getting background music nowadays without it getting copyrighted. That's why when you do find a song that truly is copyright free you gotta hold onto it! This page is dedicated to keeping a list of those songs that you know you can use in the background of your videos and makes sure you won't lose or forget them.

Schedule Page - A schedule is a common tip YouTubers give to other YouTubers and while it is possible to have a following without a consistent schedule, it sure does help especially when you're just getting started! This scheduler is designed to help you stick to a schedule and make it so you can see from a glass if you're behind schedule or not. Keep track of the progress of the video by checking to see if it's been recorded, edited, if the thumbnails been made and if it's been published.

Planner Page - Planning out your videos will help them look more cohesive and thought out. This page is designed to help make sure you stay on track with your plan for your video. Use the summary section to write a quick excerpt of what the video will be about and your goals for it. Use the item checklist to make sure you have everything you'll need for the video before you start. Finally, there's a thumbnail section where you can design two different thumbnails and see which one you prefer the most. While most people use the thumbnail they make the first time around, sometimes making different versions can help you design an even better thumbnail then you would've the first time around!

Review Page - Finally, the review page. This page is dedicated to having you review your old videos that you've made and learn from them. Keep track of which videos you were the most proud of, make a list of what you liked from the video as well as a list of things that you thought you could've done better on. Use the list of things you like to make sure to keep those up in future videos. Lastly, there's a list for future tips where you can write done what you'd like to improve on in future videos based on what you didn't like in the video you're reviewing.

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